Custom Built Heavy-Duty Gearboxes for Sugar Processing industry

Our gearboxes for food processing industry and agriculture such as sugar beet chip presses are known for particularly large torques. Our gearboxes are in use almost in all sugar factories in Europe and the USA. In other areas of the food industry, too, we have gained a technical edge over decades, together with operators and universities. We also offer you the maintance and upgrading of the existing gearboxes in this area as well.

 Products for Food Processing Industry:

  • Pulp press gearbox
Kumera Custom Built Heavy-Duty Gearboxes for food processing industry. Kumera Pulp press gearbox

Kumera Design & Engineering:

  • Kumera Corporation acquired Keller Getriebe in 2019 and continues the development of custom-built heavy-duty gearboxes.
  • State of the art 3D
  • Calculation of bearings, shafts, connecting elements etc. according to current standards and regulations, using the latest programmes Design and recalculation of gearing in accordance with a wide range of standards, regulations and classification societes, e.g. according to DIN3990, ISO6336, AGMA, BS, Henriot, ABS, BV, GL etc. with the most advanced programmes such as FVA-STplus
  • Calculation of tooth engagement load distribution with FVA-RIKOR and Plancor Efficiency and Heat Balance Calculations
  • Dynamic simulation & FEM calculations

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Custom Built Heavy-Duty Gearboxes for food processing industry

Kumera Power-Plaza:
Online Gearbox Selection Portal

Sales, Service and Maintenance

We at Kumera are happy to serve customers world-wide. Kindly do not hesitate to contact us in any gearbox related issues.

Heavy-Duty Custom Built Gearboxes

Kumera Custom Built Heavy-Duty Gearboxes for food processing industry. Kumera Pulp press gearbox

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